So what is olive oil?It's a fat obtained from olive tree,a tree crop mostly found in the Mediterranean region.
Study has it that people who use olive oil have longer life expectancies and lower risks of heart disease,high blood pressure and stroke.
Olive oil can be used in various areas such as cosmetics,cooking,medicine,soaps,beauty among others.
Initially,the origin of this oil was mainly found in the Mediterranean that's why population from that region have longer life compared to other parts of the world but today it is used worldwide.
Over the last 50years,many studies have looked at the health benefits of olive oil since it is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids.
Below are some of the health benefits of olive oil.
For one;It protects the heart
Oils can be harmful so as one prepared food choose olive oil for a healthy heart.This is because,research has it that olive oil gives antioxidants that can protect red blood cells from damage otherwise the damage could lead to heart disease.
Second;Combats Cancer
It is believed that oilve oil contains an antioxidant called oleocanthal which according to a lab test it was found that once the compound was applied to cancer cells it wiped them out within an hour and the oleocanthal didn't harm the healthy cells.
Third;Battles Diabetes
Fatty foods and oils have been seen as to have potential causes to diabetes.For years experts began researching towards the benefit of healthy fats particularly those found in olive oil.
It was then found that olive oil contains Oleuropein a compound signalling the pancreas to release insulin that helps regulate blood sugar levels and metabolism.
Fourth;Smooth skin
No one likes a rough,wrinkled,spotted skin.Therefore,a glowing skin for everyone is preferable instead.The truth is the secret towards a glowing skin can be found in olive oil.Research has it that applying olive oil to the skin can prevent signs of sun damage and photo aging.
The health benefits of olive oil are not limited to only the four that I have discussed since there's is more to it but I hope the ones I have discussed could be of help to you.
Study has it that people who use olive oil have longer life expectancies and lower risks of heart disease,high blood pressure and stroke.
Olive oil can be used in various areas such as cosmetics,cooking,medicine,soaps,beauty among others.
Initially,the origin of this oil was mainly found in the Mediterranean that's why population from that region have longer life compared to other parts of the world but today it is used worldwide.
Over the last 50years,many studies have looked at the health benefits of olive oil since it is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids.
Below are some of the health benefits of olive oil.
For one;It protects the heart
Oils can be harmful so as one prepared food choose olive oil for a healthy heart.This is because,research has it that olive oil gives antioxidants that can protect red blood cells from damage otherwise the damage could lead to heart disease.
Second;Combats Cancer
It is believed that oilve oil contains an antioxidant called oleocanthal which according to a lab test it was found that once the compound was applied to cancer cells it wiped them out within an hour and the oleocanthal didn't harm the healthy cells.
Third;Battles Diabetes
Fatty foods and oils have been seen as to have potential causes to diabetes.For years experts began researching towards the benefit of healthy fats particularly those found in olive oil.
It was then found that olive oil contains Oleuropein a compound signalling the pancreas to release insulin that helps regulate blood sugar levels and metabolism.
Fourth;Smooth skin
No one likes a rough,wrinkled,spotted skin.Therefore,a glowing skin for everyone is preferable instead.The truth is the secret towards a glowing skin can be found in olive oil.Research has it that applying olive oil to the skin can prevent signs of sun damage and photo aging.
The health benefits of olive oil are not limited to only the four that I have discussed since there's is more to it but I hope the ones I have discussed could be of help to you.