Losing weight in the current world has been the struggle of many people and without knowing the right remedies and ideas to pursue this goal people end up choosing the wrong formula that's why my old grandma formula is here to help.
With each ingredient the body loses some good amount of extra pound.
So you will need;
• 1 unit lemon juice
• 1 table spoon chia seeds
° 1 tablespoon honey
• 1 1/2 glasses of water
Lemon,along with lemon being used for flavor,perfume and the like,it has also been used for its medicinal value since it is rich in Vitamin C which its benefits ranges from antibacterial and antiviral properties to its immune boosting abilities.
Juicing lemon traps alot of health benegutscamkng which include reducing weight since it increases body metabolism.
Diet high in fibre have long been linked to weight loss.In this regard,chia seeds have almost 10 grams of fibre and this is a considerable amount of fiber.It is advisable that if one is planning to eat chia seeds,you should add it to another food or soak it before eating.
Honey is enriched with vitamins,healthy fats and minerals.So consuming honey can help you burn calories because the essential hormones in this ingredient suppress appetite and aid weight loss.
Finally,just like lemon juice,drinking water helps boost your metabolism and act as appetite suppressant.That being said,drinking water helps an individuals body to stop retaining water leading to a drop of pounds of water weight.
Mix the ingredients together and drink this every night before going to bed and lose 40 pounds in a month.
Start Now.