How to get rid of black spots.

Black spots are caused by various reasons,mos tof which we all know,may include hormonal imbalance, exposure to sunlight and even using commodities that don't correspond with your skin.Now all this may lead to low self esteem which some times may make an individual stay indoors with the fear that people are going to laugh and make jokes about their faces.Worry not because I have got a solution for you.Ever wondered if you could stop using the ingredients you have at home for cooking what else would you use them for?I have got and answer for you,yes you heard me right I have got an answer for you and that is you can use them to put an end to the black spots that have been bothering you.Maybe not all ingredients can perform the act but most of them can and today am focusing on "SODIUM BICARBONATE" which is commonly known as baking soda.You are probably wondering how a baking material used when baking at home can erase blackspots.Worry no more coz I have got just the right answer for you.Here is the procedure;

 1.Take a tea spoon of baking soda and put it in a bowl
 2.To the baking soda add a tea spoon of Luke warm water
 3.Mix thoroughly until they make a paste
 4.Cleanse your face and dry it softly 5.Apply the paste on the affected areas and wait for 20 minutes before you rinse with warm water.

Do the process for a week and you are going to start noticing change. THANK ME LATER😍. For questions ask and I'll be ready to answer.
Love you all.


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